Wednesday, August 18, 2010

law of conservation of momentum

Let us learn about law of conservation of momentum

Law of conservation of momentum stats that when any two bodies act upon another body, their total momentum remains constant provided no external forces are acting. That means whenever one body gains momentum, then some other body lose an equal amount of momentum, that is, momentum is never destroyed nor created. Therefore, law of conservation of momentum is also known as principle of conservation of momentum.

What is the equation for momentum?

τ = ▲L/▲t here, angular momentum of the body is represented as L.

If τ = 0, ▲L/▲t = 0 or ▲L = 0 or L = constant that is if r= 0, L = constant.

In our next blog we shall learn about monocot root I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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